Do you ever wish you could go back in time and talk to the younger you? Or guide the younger you along so you wouldn't of made certain decisions? I sure wish I could. Unfortunately, life doesn't work like that. But, if I could say something to my adolescent self, this is what it would be.
Dear, Lynn
I am so proud of all that you've become so far. Try not to be so hard on yourself, you're doing the best you know. I know you're going through a transition of uncertainty at the moment but, keep going. God favors you Lynda, you are not too broken that He can't put you back together. You are not too much of a sinner that He doesn't find you valuable.
You may think you're lost but keep walking, only the lost can be found.
Make it a priority to repair your relationship with your dad. I know it may not even seem like it's worth it right now but it is. Your dad loves you so much Lynn, he simply doesn't know how to express it in a way that you can receive it, forgive him. Having a strong bond with your father will prevent you from going through a lot of pain. Having him behind you will give you a lot of respect and trust me, he will stand behind you. Forgive easily but don't let forgiveness cause you to be stupid. It's okay to forgive them and not run back to the same thing that caused you pain. Hold on to this desire that you have to be a wife and mother one day. It is a desire from The Lord, pray on that desire and trust God with it. Don't search for that desire yourself, or the enemy will manipulate you to stay in situations that are counterfeits. You have the gift of discernment; trust it, you are not crazy lol. Take school seriously, you may feel like it's not for you at this moment but, having that degree under your belt will come in handy. Chase after your purpose, even if you think you'll be judged for pursuing it, listen to God's voice and only God's voice. Even if you think you "can't make a living off of it," Jehovah Jireh. Hold on to that name when you can't see where, how or when it will come. You will fail, well, in your eyes it'll be a failure but, there is redemption for your disobedience. God is a gracious God, don't be ashamed to return at His feet.
Your destiny might be delayed but it is not denied, keep walking.
I love you and I am proud of you already.
Love, Lynda